2024 Winter
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You miss 100% of the shots you never take. - Wayne Gretzky
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Want to download your schedule to Office or Google Calendars: My Schedule
Want to join a waiting list? Waiting List

Need previous season information: View Previous Seasons

  • What is the player watch?
This can be used for people with two players in a house hold, or maybe to watch your stats at work or maybe you have a friend who is interested when you play and how your teams are doing. This will allow you to have an extra set of stats available quickly.

Next to the players name on the main page.
"Welcome back -name- (###)" is that players number. Just enter that number in below and when you go to the main page it will show up!

The player must be signed in before their number will show up.

Player Number     Use 0 to reset
Player Name    

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